July 8, 2024

“I Had Two Other Teams Call During The Season” Doc Rivers Reveals How Two Mystery Teams Tried To Hire Him Before Landing Bucks Coaching Job

During NBA All-Star weekend, Doc Rivers, the head coach of the Milwaukee Bucks, revealed something unexpected about his career in an exclusive interview.

Before he accepted the Bucks’ offer, Rivers said that he had been approached by two other NBA clubs earlier in the season.

Doc Rivers discloses that he was being pursued by two unidentified teams.

“During the season, two other teams called me.”

This revelation was made when a tape from Rachel Nichols’ interview with Rivers from the chat show “Bully Ball” on FS1 and Showtime was shown.

Keeping the suspense intact, Rivers declined to swivel the spotlight towards the identity of the two teams.

Despite his refusal to identify the teams that initiated the contact, Rivers gave a glimpse of his career plans prior to accepting the Bucks offer.

Renowned former Philadelphia 76ers coach, Rivers explained how he was determined to take a break from coaching throughout the 2023-24 season.

Upon failing to propel the 76ers past the second round of playoffs in consecutive seasons, Rivers and the Philadelphia franchise had deemed it best to part ways.

Despite his preparation to stay out of action, an unexpected call from the Milwaukee Bucks to replace their head coach Adrian Griffin was one Rivers couldn’t say no to.

Griffin faced a startling dismissal despite the Bucks securing 30 wins in the first 43 games under his counsel.

Rivers confessed that the time given to make his decision was minimal. Notwithstanding, Doc seized the exciting opportunity to become Milwaukee’s new head coach, the third most successful NBA franchise in 2021.

However, since his engagement with the Bucks, the team has seen a concerning slump in their performance, only winning three out of ten games under Rivers’ leadership.

Despite the challenging start in Milwaukee, Doc Rivers’ impressive coaching resume, which includes a championship with the Boston Celtics and being eighth on NBA’s all-time regular season coaching wins list, assures the fans that he might just be the right person to steer the team towards another championship.

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