July 1, 2024

Ryan Reynolds sends heartfelt message to Ben Tozer amid ‘gut-wrenching’ family tragedy

Ryan Reynolds sent a heartfelt message to Ben Tozer amid a ‘gut-wrenching’ family tragedy. The Wrexham captain shared the sad news on social media …

Ryan Reynolds sent a heartfelt message to Ben Tozer amid a ‘gut-wrenching’ family tragedy. The Wrexham captain shared the sad news on social media and was sent countless condolences.

Wrexham AFC have gone through it all in the past couple of seasons and have become more than teammates and colleagues.

The North Wales team has always had been a family club, with family and local community being at the heart of the club’s values.

That has only strengthened under the ownership of Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney, who have been embraced by players and fans alike for upholding the traditions of the club.

Club captain reveals his father has tragically passed away

Club caption Ben Tozer announced on social media that his father tragically passed away over the weekend. The 33-year-old revealed that his father found out on Saturday that he had leukaemia and would require a brain operation.

Tozer was made aware of the diagnosis on Saturday but his father quickly deteriorated after undergoing surgery on Sunday.

Despite being told that the operation had gone “positively”, on Monday night, Tozer’s father suddenly passed away.

“On Saturday, I was told my Dad has Leukaemia but it’s treatable,” Tozer’s full statement read. “On Sunday night, he required a brain operation, which went positively, then last night the unthinkable happened. Sadly, all of this happened because he had left it too late. Unknowingly, he was masking the fact he was [in] complete agony.

“Go and get checked’ we regularly said. He was just too scared of what it could be. Thank you, Dad. Our last words together will live with me forever. I love you. I hope we have all done you proud.”

Ryan Reynolds sends heartfelt message to Ben Tozer amid family tragedy

The entire Wrexham family sent their condolences to Tozer on social media after the tragic passing of his father.

Wrexham retweeted Tozer’s tribute with the words: “So sorry to hear this. Our thoughts are with you and your family.”

Wrexham co-owner Reynolds was also among the first to send his condolences to Tozer. He tweeted: “Gut wrenching. Sending so much love to the Tozer family.”

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