July 8, 2024

2023 E.W.Copeland Trophy Collingwood President Jeff Browne’s Speech

On behalf of the Collingwood Football Club, it gives me great pleasure to formally welcome everyone to the 2023 E.W. Copeland Trophy dinner

On behalf of the Collingwood Football Club, it gives me great pleasure to formally welcome everyone to the 2023 E.W. Copeland Trophy dinner.

To our sponsors – I would like to acknowledge the tremendous support of our premier partners – Emirates, La Trobe Financial, Nike and KFC and all our corporate and community partners and coteries. We simply couldn’t have achieved what we have without your support.

It goes without saying that this has been an historic week for our great Club and I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation to everyone who has contributed to our Club’s 16th premiership.

The commitment of our coaches and football department to develop our players and build a winning culture has been a sheer joy to behold.

Our Senior Coach Craig McRae is a true leader who has revolutionised what it means to be an AFL coach and for that we thank him from the bottom of our hearts.

He and his support team have been integral to the success of our Club in leading the resurgence of our football program.

Craig has lead the introduction of an exciting brand of football that showcases the natural flair of our players and gives them the confidence and ability to take anything on…and win.

The hard work of our players – their resilience, and passion have inspired us all.

They come together on a match day, united, full of belief and sporting big smiles as they walk up that race.

Every player has displayed the spirit of Collingwood and have made us proud with their dedication to the black-and-white stripes.

A huge thank you to every player who has contributed so meaningfully right throughout the season.

Off the field, I want to call out our Club’s board members who deserve special recognition for their dedication, investing countless hours and expertise to steer our Club in the right direction, without seeking any acknowledgment or praise.

Their behind-the-scenes work has brought stability and unity to our Club and for that I am eternally grateful to each and every one of you.

Jodie Sizer, Paul Licuria, Christine Holgate, Barry Carp, Renée Roberts, Paul Tuddenham and Chief Executive Craig Kelly – thank you.

I also want to acknowledge the efforts of our Club staff who keep Collingwood running so smoothly and with such high energy.

The unity of our Club at the Board level, through to our coaches, players, staff and supporters is simply something I have never experienced before.

That unity, combined with our shared love and passion for our Club, is what bonds us all and enables us to succeed, to build the right environment where our athletes can perform to their absolute best.

It is what drives us to get better across all of our programs – men’s, women’s, wheelchair and in the community. Housing homeless, feeding the hungry and leading the charge against the scourge of racism and inequality.

And that unity extends to our incredible 19th player – the Magpie Army – the heart and soul of Collingwood.

This year, 1.7 million people attended Collingwood games.

106,470 supporters signed up as members – a VFL/AFL record.

96,775 was the average attendance for our three finals matches.

Countless times the Collingwood chant broke out at games, inspiring our brave players on.

And there’s one feat, one is the number of times a father and son have captained in a Grand Final – in the history of our great game. And so my hearty congratulations and well done to Peter and Darcy Moore.

The Magpie Army is unlike any other. Your support, whether from the stands or afar, continues to fuel our determination to win and for that I thank you all most sincerely.

This premiership is for our Members and supporters and is a testament to what we can achieve when we are united, well lead and committed to enriching the unique legacy that is Collingwood.

But above all, tonight is a night for the players.  Let’s celebrate and show our appreciation for their stellar achievements this season for they are all now well and truly cemented as icons, forever, in the rich fabric of our mighty Club.

Thanks everyone and Floreat Pica – may the mighty Magpies flourish.

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